Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Summary Thoughts

I found 23 Things to be exciting, frustrating, confusing, powerful, amazing...... during the past few weeks. I have learned many new "things" some I probably will never use but I'm aware of what they are now. There are several tools that I plan to begin using in the future. I found this exercise to be very time consuming (probably because I'm not very tech savy! I'm glad I participated and diciplined myself to keep up with the weekly assignments.

Where do I go from here? As I mentioned I plan to go back and begin using some of the 23 Things that will assist me in my work here at the library and some I will enjoy using at home. Maybe one day there will be a new challenge of "23 More Things"!

Flickr & Mashups

This is a late blog entry. When I initially investigated Flickr and Mashups my comments were included in an earlier post. I was able to post a photo in my earlier post and you can check it out here:

I wasn't impressed with mashups primarily because I didn't know how I would ever use them. Maybe someone out there could enlighten me.

Monday, August 20, 2007

Web 2.0 Award List

I chose the City Guides and Review site of

I recall either learning about this site in the newpaper or on the radio. If you want to visit a city it could be helpful finding shopping, food, entertainment, etc. If not helpful, it would definitely help with places to avoid.

In the Book Awards I found "Library Thing" and I already explored that site!

Online Productivity Tools

I created a Zoho Writer and a Google Docs account for myself. I created a document with Zoho and inserted a picture. Using Google Docs I uploaded and modified a document. These could be very helpful tools for committee projects or creating documents, presentations, etc. when you don't have Microsoft Office.


This section was easy to navigate. I have assisted patrons setting up Netlibrary accounts although I understand Overdrive is more popular with patrons due to the selections available. I myself won't be using these wonderful resources since I only have dial-up access to the Internet from my home. Oh well, I'm lucky I work at the library and have audiobooks available!

I was aware of Project Gutenberg, but have not used it either with patron requests or myself. It would be a great resource for students trying to find a classic title and there aren't any on the shelf.

Tuesday, August 7, 2007


I searched for podcasts on the subjects of quilting and investing. The quilting podcast results were limited due to copyrights but investing podcasts were numerous. I added LibVibe to my bloglines account. WaHOO!

Wednesday, August 1, 2007


YouTube was very interesting. First I searched for my hobby of quilting and found videos of the famous Gee's Bend Quilters of Alabama, various how to demonstrations and junk. Then I searched your library and had similiar results on this subject.

Some libraries are using YouTube for PR and getting the word out about how great libraries are. FCPL could use video clips (ads) on our website to inform patrons what's happening at FCPL, details concerning the SRC and library services. The Hollywood Librarian Trailer was quite good!

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Sandbox Play

I accomplished the Sandbox play tasks but don't ask me any questions!

Monday, July 23, 2007


If FCPL had a wiki subject guide, the patron would have direct access to FCPL's eletronic resources that currently require several mouse clicks to find on our webpage. Plus FCPL could high-lite new popular titles or titles relating to current headlines with links to groups or functions in our community. I found several new titles of interest on the Princton site. Ask-a-librarian via live chat, email, phone or drop by the reference desk - any way that works for you. Benefits for our public and for the library too.

Library 2.0

After reading several articles concerning Library 2.0 I have much food for thought. For those in positions that will effect the future of libraries, this is quite an exciting time. Libraries must be a relevant place for patrons whether it is having a title on the shelf for the patron or "being there" technologically for patrons (blogs, gaming, IM, etc).


I'm sure Technorati is a great tool if you have blogs you enjoy reading on a regular basis. I have found a couple of blogs that interested me but not sure when you have time to do all this reading. Maybe if I had high speed internet access from home it would be helpful!

Wednesday, July 11, 2007

This is one of the greatest finds of 23 Things for me. I've been keeping a list of children's website resources that are useful for storytime planning, reader's advisory booklist, etc. I've already setup my account and added 3 urls. But, first chance I get, I'm going to add many more. Whopee!!


I created a search tool using Rollyo using many of the resouce websites I currently use for children's programming (storytimes, bookclubs, etc.). I called it Kid Lib Programs.

Library Related Blogs

Today I visited the Merlin website and visited several of the library related blogs. Of the blogs I visited my two favorite were PLABlog and LibrarianInBlack. PLA blog included a recent entry on boys and books which is a particular interest of mine.

Friday, July 6, 2007

Library Thing

I found Library Thing very straight forward and easy to use. I "cataloged" a few favorite children's book titles.

Online Image Generator

Again using Blogger uploader I'm posting my online generator image! pj


Yeah! I established a bloglines newsreader account and chose 6 feeds from the list of top feeds requested. That was easy. Today I visited Merlin and added it to my list. I remembered how to do it. Yeah! Yeah! Quite a technology accomplishment for me.

Of all the 23 Things I have completed thus far, I think RSS will be most useful. I plan to show my husband how to set up his own bloglines newsreader account.


Tuesday, June 26, 2007

Technology Interests

I'm working on this technology but it's a bit tough for me. I did upload this picture, but maybe I should have made it larger (maybe I'll work on that next!). This is a photo that was taken on a tour of CBA children's room before the renovation was completed. I used the blogger uploader feature. I found Flickr to be confusing. pj

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

7 1/2 Habits of Successful People

Thank you to Julie T. for helping me enter another post. Somehow I created two blogs. Dippity Do!!

Concerning the 7 1/2 Habits of Successful People my strengths would be accepting responsibility and having confidence in myself. The biggest obstacle for me is using technology.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Today is the first day of my blog. I plan to complete the 23 Things this summer and looking forward to learning more about new technologies that I am not yet familiar.